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Through all these years in the field of teaching the Word I have had a heavy burden to see the church advance in its levels of revelation. We need the Holy Spirit to remove the veil from our eyes in order to see what we have never seen. For this reason, I believe this is a season to bring instruction and teaching like never before to the Lord's people.

Through Nido del Águila, schools of ministerial teaching have been designed to be taken to different territories.


Or word also known as "chayil", means: empowered woman . The k'jail woman is one who has the power in God to change any contrary circumstance and bring it to the dimension of producing in favor of her life in all areas. She is the woman who does not stay crying in the face of adversity, but uses it as a platform for growth and development. K'jail is the woman empowered by God and His Word, who does not give up and who advances until she sees every promise fulfilled in her and in her offspring.

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