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Level 1 Manual: Level 1 deals with the topic "Building Character". Each intercessor must develop a life guided in character that reflects Christ, walking in integrity and holiness, living free from bondage and bondage in order to rise up as an intercessor for his family, ministry, city and nation. It has 12 themes. Manual level 2: It will teach you in depth topics such as: the spirit of Jezebel in the church, spiritual cartography, symbols, angelic hierarchies, knowing how to be an instrument by which God brings healing to your nation, etc. It has 10 themes. Manual level 3: Through this manual you will learn how Satan established designs in cities and nations. You will learn how magical designs were established on the territories, and also the strategy to undo them. It has 8 topics. Manual level 4: It is important at this time that the intercession teams are organized to know how to work within the church and at the territorial level. In this manual the prophet Alejandra teaches you how to work the organization in both directions.

All Intercession Schools manuals

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